Did you know that there are MAJOR benefits to using math anchor charts in your classroom? Even better-try using math anchor charts that are already prepared for the year! When using already prepared math anchor charts, both you and your students benefit! I use already created math anchor charts for all of my lessons so that students can also have the same version of the anchor chart. I do, however, create a larger version so that we can hang them in our classrooms as we go through the lesson. My favorite anchor charts to use are these 6th grade Anchor Charts FULL YEAR Bundle. If you’re not already using them, let me tell you the 3 MAJOR benefits to using math anchor charts in your classroom!
#1 Lesson Outline

Here is one benefit that TEACHERS will get by using already created math anchor charts. With the math anchor chart already prepped, you have an outline for your entire lesson easily at your fingertips. You know exactly where you will start, what examples you will use, and where you will end. If you follow the workshop model, this helps you stick to your “time limit” of the math mini lesson. I love the Post-It charts for my classroom because they are large enough for everyone to see AND they stick great! I always use my Mr. Sketch markers to bring in the fun colors.
Two Options
You can blow up anchor charts that have already been created for you like this 4th grade version or you can create your own version, like I do, then pass these out for your student notebooks.
Here is an example of the anchor chart that I would make in my classroom below about comparing numbers. I would start out with some blank spaces in the anchor chart and we would fill in the missing parts as a class.
NOTICE - I actually do a different example than on the student chart so that students can see more than 1 example and this way they do not have the answer in front of them and we can work through it together. This always helps me to see if students are grasping the concept that we are working on.

(Student Notebook Version)

#2 Student Engagement
When students have something in front of them to follow along with during a lesson, they are able to stay engaged more easily. Also, students who struggle to learn new concepts or stay on task are able to see what is coming next and are able to have a better idea of the conversation. This allows those students to be better prepared, hence making them feel more confident in what they are learning in math. I truly think using anchor charts has helped my ELL students and students with special needs so much!
How to help students stay engaged:
I have students color or highlight and make notes on their anchor chart as I am going through the anchor chart as a class. Several anchor charts

also have problems in them for students to practice like this 6th Grade Anchor Chart Bundle for the entire year. This is awesome for the active engagement portion of the workshop model as well.
#3 Student & Teacher Reference All Year
I love that students are able to come back to their notes in these anchor charts whenever they need to. That is absolutely the point of them. Many students use these in anchor charts in centers when working through problems or at home during independent homework time. Parents are also able to better understand the notes if they are helping them with their homework by giving them a clean set-up for their anchor charts within their interactive math notebook. I have had many parents let me know how happy they are with the interactive anchor charts being already typed out instead of their student’s sometimes messy handwriting that they can’t read!

While we are in small groups, I often reference our anchor chart from the day, as
students are practicing that skill. I move our original anchor chart from the front of the room to an area next to my small group table for easy access.
For introductions to new math topics, I have students do one anchor chart per page. This way students have room on the right side of their interactive notebook to be able to put more notes, examples, or practice problems! This has helped them stay much more organized versus flipping back and forth between working in their centers and the notes from the day!
Want to try already-created anchor charts?
(Click on the images below to be taken directly to their pages!)
This FREEBIE anchor chart teaches students about the standard algorithm and why it works! It includes the version for the students to take notes on and put in their notebooks and a picture of the teacher version.
This 4th Grade YEAR-LONG bundle includes anchor charts for all units! They are sized to fit into student notebooks.
*If you purchase it, and need an additional anchor chart topic, please email me and I will add what you need!
This FREEBIE Integers anchor chart was created for 6th grade students who are learning about positive and negative numbers.
This 6th Grade YEAR-LONG bundle includes anchor charts for all units! They are sized to fit into student notebooks.
*If you purchase it, and need an additional anchor chart topic, please email me and I will add what you need!