What do you do in November to keep your students engaged in math, while they are excited about all the coming holidays? November is one of my favorite months in the classroom because I see it as a challenge - "How can I keep these kids engaged while they are looking forward to the breaks and celebrations?" I have gathered my top FIVE activities I like to use in November for just this reason!
Hands-On Review:
In math centers, I try to always have hands on activities for students to review with. This month, I always use these Factor/Multiplication Turkeys and Expanded Form Turkeys to keep students engaged. My students always need review with multiplication so these factor turkeys make them practice it in two ways. I also like to review place value understanding throughout the year and I always notice my students struggle with understanding expanded form.
Whole Class CSI Math:
Do you watch crime shows? CSI has always been one of my favorite shows to watch in my spare time. That is why I decided to create these engaging CSI Math activities. For November, students have to solve the crime of who stole the turkey on Thanksgiving, by solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division word problems. There are 20 word problems for students to solve. This is perfect for flexibility - use it whole group as a transformation, use it in math centers and have students work together, use it for independent practice. Students do not have to go in order, which I love!
Multiplication Code Breakers:
I always want at least one of my centers to have a DIGITAL focus. For November, students will work on these Digital Thanksgiving Code Breakers or Fall Code Breakers. For each of these sets there are multiple code breakers where students will practice their multiplication skills while solving the answer to themed jokes.
Extra Credit Packets:
Do you give your students extra credit opportunities? Each break, I give my students a packet for optional extra credit that is due on the day they return. Typically all, but one or two students complete their packet, which for me is a win! They always ask for the packets prior to break. For Thanksgiving break, I give them this 4th Grade Review Packet or 3rd Grade Review Packet, depending on their skill levels. Each packet covers a variety of skills to make sure they are reviewing what is needed this far in the year.
FREEBIE Multiplication:
Everyone loves freebies! You can grab my Candy Corn Multiplication to have students practice their multiplication skills for morning work, math centers, sub plans, independent practice, etc.
