One of the biggest struggles I always have with review is having enough activities for each standard. Using the task cards and worksheets to teach the content and then using those same materials for end of the unit review gets too repetitive. These four ways will help you with ideas that can be used to make review very engaging.. If you are reusing task cards, my favorite thing to do with them is play four corners!

CSI Math Detectives
One of the best ways to get students engaged in the standards is to switch up your activities. CSI Math Detective sets are the perfect way to do this. After you have taught the content, you don't want to use the same task cards, games, or worksheets to also review.. This is where the detective sets come in. Students get to pretend they are detectives solving a crime. There are 20 word problems that students solve (on topic), which gives them clues to who committed the crime and what happened. If you have not tried one of my sets, you can check out my FREEBIE Rounding Whole Numbers detectives set. This one only has ten word problems but is perfect to try before buying the full sets. The best thing about these sets is you can use them as a full classroom transformation because each set has a theme OR you can use them in math centers. Students do NOT have to go in card order to solve the crime. You can check out all of my CSI sets HERE. If there is a standard or theme you are looking for, please feel free to reach out. I am always looking to create more.
Four Corner Task Cards
This fun game can be used with any task cards. If the card is not already multiple choice, you can give the students four options to choose from. In each of the four corners in the room, I hang a sign that says A, B, C, or D. I will project the problem onto the board, and as I read it out loud, students will work the problem out on their mini white boards. Once I have given them enough time to solve the problem, I will share the answer choices with them and students will move to the corner they think is the correct answer. Once they are there, they will hold up the white boards to show their work. (At a quick glance, this shows me they worked it out and didn't just follow others to the answer choice.) Students will stay in that corner to solve the next problem. My students always love this game because it gets them up and moving around the room.

Digital Games
My students love any excuse to get on the laptops during class. This is why I always try to incorporate digital games into our review days. These self-checking games are always a hit for review. Many times I have students work together and play, but they are also great for independent practice, or use them to send home for those parents who want more homework for their kiddo. My most popular digital game is the Regrouping with Addition and Subtraction one. You can find the category for all of them HERE in my store.
Color by Number
Lastly, I love using color by number packets for review. So many teachers assume I mean the simple ones where there is one page and students just complete easy coloring assignments. However, the ones I use are typically 3-4 pages per packet. I use word problem color by numbers in my classroom. Students have to solve word problems, and based on the answer they get, it tells them to color the area a certain color. These packets are great because they could help students review for morning work, center work, whole group, sub plans, or even at home! Each set uses the basic colors, so students will have access to them whether in the classroom or finishing up at home.